As your Business Grows, Your Web Presence Will Follow.
With the Business Presence Classic package you will get an extended version of the Business Presence Starter.
We will work with you create an more extensive website explaining more details using more pages.
With more pages there is more for search engines to consider and more reasons for search engines to send people to your website. Rather than having concise details on the Single Page we will now extend a more casual and relaxed version with a menu as well.
This type of site is more involved and we highly recommend setting up our Maintenance Plan to prevent problems and if any problems arise, we will solve them for you.
You can expect the following pages:
A Landing Page – Similar to the Business Presence Starter, however sections will lead clients to their respective Pages.
About Us / Bio Page
Contact Us Page with Contact Form
Services Page Describing your Services
Gallery, Testimonial or Our Team Page
Navigation Menu
The site will be FULLY RESPONSIVE! Meaning it will look great no matter what device is used to visit.
The website will be ready for you to use for promotions on social networks as well such as google or facebook ads.